# template file, copy it to '.envrc.local' and adjust for your personal configuration # the '.envrc.local' file is to be included by .envrc and can contain personal secrets or configuration so it is NOT TO BE CHECKED IN # installing correct node version using nodeenv nodenv install -s $(cat .node-version) # alternative using nvm # . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh # load nvm command # nvm use export OKUNA_URL= export DONATIONS_API_URL= export GOODNEWS_API_URL= export GEO_API_URL= export VOLUNTEERING_API_URL= export MATRIX_SERVER_BASE_URL= export REDIS_HOST=localhost export REDIS_PORT=6380 export REDIS_PASSWORD= export REDIS_DB=5 export JITSI_JWT_SECRET= export VIDEOCALL_URL=https://development.meet.holi.social