# holi-unified-api
This project contains our GraphQL unified API that provides all backend APIs to the frontends.
## Authentication and Mesh
This project consists of mainly two parts in a single docker container. The docker container validates authentication
using Ory's [Zero Trust Proxy](, and provides access to backend APIs in a single
GraphQL endpoint using [GraphQL Mesh](
## Running in development
Please take a look at the `holi-meta` project for running this component locally.
Run `cp .envrc.local.template .envrc.local` and adjust `.envrc.local` to match your configuration (e.g. using the correct node version manager).
Using `direnv`, `.envrc` (and `.envrc.local`) will automatically be loaded when you `cd` into the directory.
`.node-version` (used by `nodenv`) ensures that all developers are using the same `node`/`npm` versions.
It is kept in sync with `.nvmrc` (used by `nvm`) by a symbolic link, so please make sure to use a format that is understood by both tools (e.g. a fixed version).
Use the same value of `REDIS_PASSWORD` from Okuna's `.env` in `./.envrc.local`.
## CI/CD
The CI/CD pipeline follows our normal flow, deploying branch environments and deploying main to staging automatically
and to production manually. The e2e tests that should go in between staging and prod deployments are missing up until now.
## Prefixes
We are using [a prefix transformation]( in GraphQL Mesh to prefix all APIs for Holi Apps to prevent name clashes and clearly distinguish between apps and the "core" functionality in the combined GraphQL API.
Prefixes should be equal to `App<AppName>_` resp. `app<AppName>_` for types and operations and have to be defined in `.meshrc.yml`. (Take a look at the `app-donations` API for an example).
## Headers
GraphQL Mesh does not forward headers automatically. Instead you have to explicitly mention headers to be passed on in `.meshrc.yml`, this is already e.g. for `Accept-Language`.

Daniel Bimschas
## Configuration
| Environment Variable | Default Value | Description |
| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| PORT | 4000 | the port to listen on |
| MATRIX_SERVER_BASE_URL | | the base URL of the Matrix server for which unified-api is the reverse proxy |
You need a file `oathkeeper/secrets/jwks.json` with Orys JWT private key. You can either copy it from Passbolt ORY_JWKS_DEVELOPMENT or fetch it directly from ory via the following commands:
mkdir -p oathkeeper/secrets
echo "{\"keys\": [$(ory --project mystifying --format json get jwk hydra.jwt.access-token | jq -r '.keys[0]')]}" > oathkeeper/secrets/jwks.json